Saturday, July 02, 2005

Hop Around & F*ck Live-8, REEL MUSIC Below!

Sorry Folks, but this Live-8 shit really bites.

The best musid all day was a XM
satelite radio commercial using the RARE DEE DEE RAMONE "Hop Around" song.

Dee Dee was a better "artist" than all of these fagg Live-8 performers put together.

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Hop Around is HERE!

What really pisses me off the most is the socialistic and Orwellian agenda
of the mindset of the Live-8 sympathizers.

If you want to send your own god-damned money to Afrika, go ahead, why is anybody stopping you? Why do these asswipes feel they need to get presidents of countries to Force you to support their idea of charity?

French Philospher Frederick Bastiat called it false philanthropy. Charity is voluntary. Unvoluntary charity is slavery.

By the way... The cost, according the Live-8 organizers for this Aid to Afrika, is estimated to be in the 100's of billions of dollars and they want you to pressure your governent to support this!

Fuck You Bob Geldolf... they should call you Bob Adolf.

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Wanna do something to make yourself feel moral and righteous? Buy the Davey and Goliath DVD. Real morality is in every episode.

Bonus DEE DEE surprise... Born Too Loose!