Thursday, July 12, 2007

Live Earth Sux!

This Live Earth Shit just really pisses me off 'cuz it wreaks with hypocrisy. The climate nazis know no bounds, and if Gore calls us global warming deniers, I have every right to call them climate nazis.

Making this argument as short and brief as possible, let's look at some simple facts.... co2 makes up less than ONE HALF of ONE PERCENT of the atmosphere, and according to NASA, 98% of it is there due to NATURAL causes. And about Co2 CAUSING rises in temperature, COMPLETE CRAP. Rises in CO2 FOLLOW rises in temperature, or at least have throughout the history of the earth itself.

An EXCELLENT presentation by Dr. Lee C. Gerhard, State Geologist and Director of the Kansas Geological Survey showing information gathered by Khilyuk, L.F. and Chilingar, G.V. 2006 shows that spikes in CO2 in the atmosphere FOLLOW rises in the climate temperature, and DO NOT PRECEED it! and this chorus being sung by the environmental nazis about unanimous consent among the scientific comnunity about global warming, that is complete horseshit.

Dr. Lee C. Gerhard is not the only one who "denies" the global warming myth. Both the head of NASA, Michael Griffin, and The worlds top hurricane forecaster, William Gray, say Gore does not know what he is talking about.

One of the most heavily publicized "proof" of scientific consensus in the last decade concerning climate change has been the Oreskes Study [Oreskes, Naomi. “The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change” Science Vol.306, 3 December 2004 Vol. 1686] as stated by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). But, when results of a surveys used in these study are looked at IN DETAIL, they suggest just the OPPOSITE.

For example, one question on the survey asked “To what extent do you agree or disagree that climate change is mostly the result of anthropogenic causes? This question had a mean score of 3.62 (on a scale of 1 to 7 with 1=strongly agree and 7=strongly disagree). THIS is NOT consensus especially when you find out that ONLY 9.4% of the respondents “strongly agree”. with that statement. In other words, LESS than 10% is consensus as far as the Oreskes study has been represented. Detailed results of the (above/Oreskes) study published in Science, Vol 306, Issue 5702, 1686 , 3 December 2004 the IPCC is not a scientific entity, it is simply a political body of the UN. There is NO science there and never was.

Let's see how quick this gets negative comments. Just remember, I QUOTE FACTS AND PEOPLE. I did not make any of this up off the top of my head like someone's whose electric bill is 20X the national average, lives in a mansion w/a heated pool, flys around in jets, and tells others to take coffee cups from home when they go to starbucks.

Check out this video if you don't believe me, HERE or here.


Only a week after Live Earth, eco-warrior Al Gore didn't do much for his green credentials when he shocked fellow environmentalists by serving up an endangered fish at his daughter's wedding rehearsal dinner.
The former US vicepresident provided 75 guests with Chilean sea bass - one of the world's most threatened fish species.
Gore, 59, who created the climate change documentary An Inconvenient Truth, sampled a sixcourse tasting menu at Beverly Hills' Crustacean restaurant which included the sea bass - also known as Patagonian toothfish.

Here for more...

Cold Hard Facts From Nasa:

Composition of the Atmosphere (According to NASA):

The atmosphere is primarily composed of Nitrogen (N2, 78%), Oxygen (O2, 21%), and Argon (Ar, 1%). A myriad of other very influential components are also present which include the water (H2O, 0 - 7%), "greenhouse" gases or Ozone (O, 0 - 0.01%), Carbon Dioxide (CO2, 0.01-0.1%),

Source is Nasa's Education Page - Here.


Anonymous said...

Al Gore is God and he knows all. Anyone who thinks differently is intolerant and for corporate agendas.

Anonymous said...

and, there is MORE here:
Inconvenient Facts