Saturday, November 10, 2007

Thunders, Wit & Wisdom...

A lot of people don't think they can count on me, but I've never missed a gig in my life.
Johnny Thunders

A lot of people take me seriously because of the things they read about me. Maybe they wanted to sell more records.
Johnny Thunders

A lot of people want to die for a lot of reasons.
Johnny Thunders

Heroin doesn't affect my musical life at all.
Johnny Thunders

I always get harassed by the police.
Johnny Thunders

I don't eat cereal actually... Frosted Flakes... that's as close as I can get.
Johnny Thunders

I met Sable when she was 15 and I was 18. I sent her home to New York while we carried on the tour. When we got back the police were looking for her at the airport and everywhere!
Johnny Thunders

I take smack because I enjoy it. I enjoy all it makes me feel. I don't do it to be in with the in crowd. I can rock out with it.
Johnny Thunders

I was in Sweden for 10 days. They put me on the front page of the daily papers eight days in a row. I did nothing to warrant any of the attention. It was ridiculous.
Johnny Thunders

I wouldn't change a thing - except my bank balance.
Johnny Thunders

I'm gonna try to be cured. I've been on heroin eight years and I want to try a different style of life. It made me split up from my wife. It ruined a lot of things for me.
Johnny Thunders

I've got three boys. They look like me. They're called Dino, Guido and Little Johnny. They're my whole life. They mean more to me than music.
Johnny Thunders

I've never been so happy in my life.
Johnny Thunders

It went out in Paris that I died three times. It was in all the papers. Your guess is as good as mine where it came from.
Johnny Thunders

It's something I have no regrets about, but it's not something that I'll do forever.
Johnny Thunders

Many people love me, many people hate me - there's nobody in between. That's the way I prefer it.
Johnny Thunders

Me and Jerry left because we felt we weren't getting anywhere playing our old songs in tiny clubs. The group was getting stale and staying behind the times.
Johnny Thunders

No one really knows me. People think they know me.
Johnny Thunders

The Dolls were an attitude. If nothing else they were a great attitude.
Johnny Thunders

The Lower East Side is really heavy nowadays. A lot of murders, people getting ripped off and knifed. It's really dangerous.
Johnny Thunders

We did a TV show and they thought I was too messed up and wouldn't show it. That started the ball rolling with the press. They started following me.
Johnny Thunders

We get picked up in these Rolls Royces and get three miles down the highway and five cop cars pull us over.
Johnny Thunders

We'll establish ourselves here, get a reputation, and then go back to the States and see if they've grown up a little.
Johnny Thunders

What does the industry understand?
Johnny Thunders

Source: here.