Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Geniuine Advantage, HUH!

You should not even be concerned about WGA.

Why? Heres why, just use AutoPatcherXP!

First off...WGA has been around since AutoPatcherXP July 2005, am i right?
(If not, then disregard the following statement) If Microsoft had a problem with AutoPatcherXP and WGA you would have heard something from them.
And if im not mistaken there has been no issues yet...

Second...Dont ask dont tell. If Microsoft doesnt ASK about it, why worry about it?

Third...the updates are completely free.

Fourth...if you are smart enough, all updates can be found without the use of WGA, for free, and Microsoft has had no problem with that at all.
Just get the filename of the updates/software you want from Microsoft's site and search for it at www.filemirrors.com (Note to mods: ITS A FREE, LEGAL SITE THAT MICROSOFT HAS NO PROBLEM WITH) and you will get the proper MICROSOFT.COM link (THIS IS NOT CIRCUMVENTING WGA. I REPEAT: THIS DOES NOT CIRCUMVENT WGA. THESE MICROSOFT LINKS ARE NOT PROTECTED BY WGA.).

You should just continue developing AutoPatcherXP, like normal, and if Microsoft has a problem they will contact you.

Besides, such a small number of XP users actually use AutoPatcherXP, so its not like its a huge problem.

You can disable the tool from within IE. Just go Tools > Addons > Disable Windows Geniuine Advantage

How to bypass the new Windows update verification:

go to IE options->Programs->Add-ons and disable Genuine ActiveX. Then just load the updates from the web site.

all you need is "WinGenCookie=validation=0;" in your cookie. So just paste this into your location on any microsoft.com page: javascript:document.cookie='WinGenCookie=validatio n=0; expires=01 Jan 2999 00:00:00 GMT'; void 0

Rock XP

AutoPatcher XP